LENZO Development, develops companies and people

In a collaboration with us, you get a team that works with passion and a great personal commitment. We have a dynamic composition among our employees and we believe that different personalities provide more dynamism and energy. All to create lasting results/change in you. When you succeed, we succeed. Our value words are trust, quality and lasting results/changes.

We work with leadership development, management development, sales development, employee development, recruitment, search, team, organizational development, lectures, outplacement and self-leadership through mindfulness. We work IRL all over Sweden and International as well as with web-based programs, towards industries that require trust, high quality and lasting results/changes. 

The difference that makes a difference in the organization

A developed leadership, employees and teamwork make a real difference in organizations. When employees and leaders learn about themselves, gain new insights, learn theories, build on knowledge and above all practice their skills, it leads to lasting behavioral changes. It makes a difference, really! We at LENZO care about your development.

We develop the people and culture in your company

Our deliveries are based on genuine competence. Where research-supported knowledge and proven methods are combined with many years of own experience. Our services create long-term results through:
  • Leadership development
  • Management team development
  • Self-leadership / stress management
  • Team development
  • Recruitment
Ascom commissioned LENZO to implement a program for both junior and senior leaders that was very successful. The program contained the most essential elements in leadership and allowed participants to e.g. immerse yourself in your role as a leader as well as your individual strengths. In the program, theoretical parts alternate with practical parts to train skills. The course leaders deliver with a high energy, which led to a high commitment. We warmly recommend collaborations with LENZO.

Klara Franson - Ascom, HR

"The quality was there because all course elements were rooted in psychological research which was then concretized with relevant examples, while the course leaders had chosen the content with
care and were knowledgeable in their field."

Ulf Gilmegård - Klubbchef, Lerum Friidrott

I attended an in-house training in leadership development. The course leaders at LENZO were very knowledgeable, professional, funny but above all extremely committed to both the training as such and the participants. They made sure that everyone is involved in discussions, and they also use a lot of shorter group work, which gives both more practical practice of what has been covered but also more cooperation between the participants. I took with me lots of tips, methods and tools that I now use almost daily in my work. Therefore, I can do nothing but warmly recommend the training and LENZO!

Johan Sund - VD, Abesiktning AB

Contact us

Change is hard. 

We who do it all the time know how tough it can be. But we also know what results await on the other side. We therefore love that you are here and about to take the plunge. 

Here you can book a personal meeting with one of the experienced coaches at LENZO. At the meeting you will take a closer look at what the needs look like, what opportunities are on the horizon and what challenges you see on the road ahead. Based on the meeting, we can then find the measures that create the changes you are looking for and see how together we can help each other to reach the desired end goal. 

The meeting is digital and of course completely free of charge, and you don't need to prepare more than setting aside your time and sharing the business knowledge you already have.