LENZO Development, develops companies and people. In a collaboration with us, you get a team that works with passion and a great personal commitment. We have a dynamic composition among our employees and we believe that different personalities provide more dynamism and energy. All to create lasting results/change in you. When you succeed, we succeed. Our value words are trust, quality and lasting results/changes.
We work with leadership development, management development, sales development, employee development, recruitment, search, team, organizational development, lectures, outplacement and self-leadership through mindfulness. We work IRL all over Sweden and International as well as with web-based programs, towards industries that require trust, high quality and lasting results/changes. We have offices at Gamlestadsvägen 1, Gothenburg and a branchoffice in Jämtland. (www.lenzo.us)
Our goal in all our collaborations is for you as a customer to feel deep confidence, a high quality and get lasting results/changes. This is our core values.
Self-leadership through emotional intelligence is the key factor to unlocking our full potential. It’s about developing our ability to intentionally influence our thinking, feeling and actions towards our goals and objectives connected to our true values. It’s also about enjoying the journey towards our goals. We have web-based courses, workshops/lecture and individual sessions in English and in Swedish.